Singer and actress Marshanda appear with the new hair. Now,her hair is 'pirang'. her hair is now blonde. "appearance for the new album".Caca said.
"I want more release single and new album, so all change appearance," he said after the event when the 'Playlist' at the Penta Studio, Jakarta, Wednesday (27/5/2009).
When the first change blonde hair, Caca not had time to feel comfortable. When out salon, it felt strange.
Fortunately the beloved, VJ Ben holds different. "I can tell I am a photo, he is funny. Many also say the same color match me, so I PD," Marshanda said.
Movie stars' If I Do not cry-baby 'claim that matter does not inspire anyone's hair pirangnya it. He also referred to rebut if mencontek Paris Hilton, heir to the throne of former Hilton Hotel.
"Not related," said Caca is also an heir to the Hotel Sofyan.
"I want more release single and new album, so all change appearance," he said after the event when the 'Playlist' at the Penta Studio, Jakarta, Wednesday (27/5/2009).
When the first change blonde hair, Caca not had time to feel comfortable. When out salon, it felt strange.
Fortunately the beloved, VJ Ben holds different. "I can tell I am a photo, he is funny. Many also say the same color match me, so I PD," Marshanda said.
Movie stars' If I Do not cry-baby 'claim that matter does not inspire anyone's hair pirangnya it. He also referred to rebut if mencontek Paris Hilton, heir to the throne of former Hilton Hotel.
"Not related," said Caca is also an heir to the Hotel Sofyan.